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A crucial part when relocating an employee to Norway is to obtain valid documentation regarding the immigration status. At Pytheas we have assisted several Clients on obtaining valid work and residence permits regardless of the applicants nationality. Our staff will assist throughout the process, ensuring that the correct application will be submitted to the Norwegian Immigration Authorities.   

Non-EU/EEA nationals

Nationals from non-EU/EEA countries are in need of a valid work and residence permit before they commence the assignment in Norway. Pytheas may assist with:


  • Obtaining the necessary documentation

  • Review all documentation

  • Register the application online

  • Submit the application physically

  • Follow up during the processing time

  • Accompany the employee for effectuation of the permit

EU/EEA nationals

Nationals from EU/EEA countries are in need of a Proof of Registration if their assignment will last for more than 3 months in Norway. Pytheas may assist with:


  • Obtaining the necessary documentation

  • Review all documentation

  • Register the application online

  • Accompany the employee for effectuation  

Family members

Family members of employees in Norway are in need of a valid residence permit in order to accompany the assignee to Norway. At Pytheas we may assist on finding the optimal application procedure for family members in order to allow the family member to enter Norway as soon as  possible.


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